ITEC or Raynor Massage?

Raynor Massage – An alternative to training with ITEC.

I understand that choosing the right massage training course is an extremely important decision to make. I’ve created this page, using my experience within the industry to try and help point you in the right direction.

Do I need a Level 3 ITEC qualification in order to work as a massage therapist in the UK & Ireland?

The quick answer is no you don’t! What you need to have are great skills and to be covered by insurance. A whole selection of massage styles have been developed over thousands of years, including Lomi Lomi, Thai, Shiatsu, Raynor, Hot Stone are just a few of the different types of massage therapy that are available globally.

If you are looking to work for yourself, earning your own money, running your own business then you are free to choose to learn any style of massage you wish. It’s imperative that you select a training school that will give you a qualification that enables you to get insured.

  • People who don’t need ITEC are those who want to.
  • Work from home
  • Work as a mobile massage therapist
  • Work from a clinic or therapy room
  • Rent a space in a gym or beauty salon
  • Work as a self-employed massage therapist from a Sports Club

Who does need to be trained by ITEC?

The only time that it would be necessary to have an ITEC qualification would be if you were seeking to be employed by someone who required you to have an ITEC qualification. Some beauty salons and places of employment mainly employ therapist who has been trained by ITEC. Usually offering jobs that pay around minimum wage.

ITEC is a more academic route to getting trained

If you enjoy studying in a classroom style environment, studying from books, writing assignments and sitting written exams then you will find that ITEC really suits your style of learning.

Raynor Massage Training is 100% hands-on and practical

If you prefer to learn in a more hands-on practical way, where every day you are:

  • Watching Massage
  • Giving Massage
  • Receiving massage

Level 3 ITEC Sports Massage training takes longer than Raynor Massage training. Does this mean it’s better?

This is a question I get asked often and I’d really like to address it. I teach Raynor Massage using revolutionary training techniques that ensure students are taught everything that they need and nothing that they don’t need so that they can become fantastic Deep Tissue Massage Therapists. A huge proportion of the ITEC training is spent in a classroom teaching lots of Anatomy and Physiology that is completely unrelated to giving a safe and effective massage treatment. We feel that having to learn all of this A&P actually inhibits you from learning how to naturally feel for tension in the body. If you feel that it’s important for you to study Anatomy and Physiology then I recommend this online course:

Raynor Massage Therapist

Raynor Massage School

CostPrices start from £1195.00
Length of Study5 & 10 Day Courses
Certfcaton examNone
Writen assignmentsNone
Home studyNone
Training Style100% Practcal
Hands-on Massaging from Day One
No Writen Exams
Areas of StudyThe importance of breath
Grounding yourself
Connectng with your client
Life force energy (Chi or Qi)
Developing intuiton
Discovering bands of tension
Feeling areas of tension
Understanding the roots of tension
Link between emotons and tension
Dealing with trauma
Ethics and professionalism
Massaging all areas of the body;
(head, hands, wrists, arms, elbows,
shoulders, chest, back, hips, feet,
heel, ankles, legs, knees, pelvis,
abdomen, face, etc…)
How to market yourself
TextbooksIncluded with full online training
referral videos
Job opportunitesPrivate clinics, wellness centres,
spas, cruise ships, private yachts,
sports teams, ftness centres,
resorts, or be self employed
Annual feeNone
Contnuing educatonRecommended but not required

Sports Massage Therapist


CostStarting around £1650.00
Length of Study17 weeks (One tutor led day per week)
Plus home study
Certfcaton examMultple choice paper
Practcal exam (examiner assessing and asking
questons on your massage)
Writen assignments3 assignments including: professional practce,
healthy lifestyle and sof tssue dysfuncton
Home study5+ hours per week
Training StyleMajority theoretcal, 3 writen assigments
3 case studies, multple choice exam and
practcal one hour exam
Areas of StudyAnatomy
Fundamentals of sports massage
Contra-actons to massage
Contraindicatons to massage
Consultaton process
Client assessment
Professional practce
Sof tssue repair
Efects of exercise
Healthy eatng
Open clinic
TextbooksA&P book + handouts and downloadable
from internal system
Job opportunitesPrivate clinics, wellness centres,
spas, cruise ships, private yachts,
sports teams, ftness centres,
resorts, or be self employed
Annual feeNone
Contnuing educatonRecommended but not required

Ready to Book one of the Courses?


About ITEC

ITEC is the body that is responsible for registering and inspecting colleges that teach certain courses. There are more than 750 colleges dotted around the globe that offer ITEC qualifications. ITEC courses are aimed at those who want to work as beauty therapists, salon owners or take on other roles in clinics spas and health farms.

There are a wide variety of careers available to graduates of ITEC courses. In many cases, students will go straight from their studies and into a paying job in their chosen industry. For those who are passionate about sports, an ITEC in sports massage therapy enables them to be involved in sports while also playing to their individual talents.

What is ITEC?

ITEC is the body that devises the syllabuses and examination procedures used to award certification at the highest levels of sport, education, and other therapies. For example, if you would like to work as a massage therapist or give massage lessons, you will need to complete the appropriate ITEC course.

While they are based in the UK, ITEC operates internationally and you can study ITEC accredited courses in 33 different countries around the world. ITEC also has links with employers around the world, meaning that many ITEC graduates are able to go straight into their chosen industry once they have finished their studies.

The syllabi used on ITEC courses have been carefully devised to represent both the tried and tested core knowledge that a subject requires, in addition to the most important current trends that are driving industries forward. ITEC assess their courses twice a year to ensure that the course materials remain relevant and useful and that the syllabus is being taught to an appropriately high standard.

Examinations for ITEC courses are held once every year by the institution teaching the course. In order to earn some ITEC qualifications, students will need to sit exams for more than one subject. For example, a student looking to earn the full ITEC beauty therapy qualification will need to sit exams for the Diploma in Body Treatments, the Beauty Specialist Diploma, and the Diploma in Facial Electrical Treatments.

ITEC courses are unit-based, with the specific units that students need to study depending on the ultimate qualification they are aiming for, as well as the profession that they want to break into. Students should find that each unit flows seamlessly into the next for units that are part of the same qualification.

What Does ITEC Stand for?

ITEC was founded in 1947 as ‘the international therapy examination council’. It became known as ITEC in 1998. As the name suggests, the role of ITEC is to ensure that courses designed for those who are going to work as massage therapists or in a similar role are robust and test students on all of the requisite knowledge to work in their field.

This analysis and oversight is very important and is part of the reason that the ITEC is so highly thought of and accepted around the world. If students studying a Level 3 Massage course, for example, aren’t all being taught to the same standard, the effects would soon be felt in the industry itself. Needless to say, without ITEC ensuring that all the courses offered under their banner are not only suitable but continue to be useful and relevant as time goes on, standards would rapidly slip, both in the classroom and in industry.

Many ITEC courses, including the ITEC Level 3 massage course, which is equivalent to a Level 3 NVQ, don’t require any previous experience or knowledge. Designing courses that are suitable for students who don’t have any background or training in the subject at hand more complex than when designing a course for people whose pre-existing knowledge you can be confident of.

What is an ITEC Qualification Equivalent to?

ITEC was founded in 1947 as ‘the international therapy examination council’. It became known as ITEC in 1998. As the name suggests, the role of ITEC is to ensure that courses designed for those who are going to work as massage therapists or in a similar role are robust and test students on all of the requisite knowledge to work in their field.

This analysis and oversight is very important and is part of the reason that the ITEC is so highly thought of and accepted around the world. If students studying a Level 3 Massage course, for example, aren’t all being taught to the same standard, the effects would soon be felt in the industry itself. Needless to say, without ITEC ensuring that all the courses offered under their banner are not only suitable but continue to be useful and relevant as time goes on, standards would rapidly slip, both in the classroom and in industry.

Many ITEC courses, including the ITEC Level 3 massage course, which is equivalent to a Level 3 NVQ, don’t require any previous experience or knowledge. Designing courses that are suitable for students who don’t have any background or training in the subject at hand more complex than when designing a course for people whose pre-existing knowledge you can be confident of.

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