Level 3 Massage Diploma Course

Unlock Your Potential: Accredited Qualification

Become a fully qualified massage therapist with our Level 3 Diploma Massage Course. Gain the essential skills and accredited qualification needed to establish a successful massage business from a premise in London. This course is your pathway to a rewarding career in massage therapy.

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Level 3 Massage Course Overview: Elevate Your Massage Therapy Skills

Ready to take your massage therapy skills to the next level? Our Level 3 Massage Course is perfect for complete beginners and experienced therapists alike.

No prior qualifications are necessary! This comprehensive program equips you with all the practical training you’ll receive in my Diploma Course, plus additional online modules covering Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Business, and Hygiene – all essential knowledge for a Level 3 qualification.

Watch Dave explain how the Level 3 Course works.

Expand Your Qualifications
Whether you’re only starting your massage therapy career or want to learn new, advanced techniques, my Level 3 Course will help you learn and expand your massage and business skills to help you start and run a successful massage therapy practice all across the UK.
Hands-On Training
Like all my massage courses, the Level 3 Course focuses primarily on hands-on training to ensure you gain the practical skills necessary to perform the perfect Raynor Massage. It also includes online resources needed for the Level 3 qualification, but there’s no written exam needed to complete your training.
Obtain Necessary Certifications
& Qualify for Insurance
After completing this Level 3 Massage Course, you’ll automatically become eligible for Full Professional Indemnity Insurance and be eligible for a Special Treatment License. You will also gain a Raynor Massage Diploma, which allows you to offer massage professionally.
Upgrade Your Massage Therapy Diploma to Level 3
Local councils sometimes require a premise to have a Special Treatment License if massage therapy is being offered. Completing my Level 3 Course will make you eligible for this license or, in most cases, exempt. This License requirement is mainly restricted to London councils.
Please note: You don’t need a Special Treatment License to work as a mobile massage therapist. It’s only required when operating from a premises and usually only applies to London councils. Most therapists outside London won’t need this, but please check with your council.

Upcoming Level 3 Diploma Massage Courses

Please note: Deposits are nonrefundable. For more information please see our terms & conditions.

Level Up Your Skills: A Detailed Breakdown of the Level 3 Course

The Level 3 Course incorporates all the practical training you’ll experience in my Diploma Course (details available here). 

What Makes the Level 3 Different from the regular Diploma?

Online Modules for Enhanced Knowledge:

The Level 3 Course goes beyond practical application, equipping you with in-depth theoretical knowledge through three online modules, conveniently hosted by ThinkTree Hub.

These self-paced modules allow you to learn from the comfort of your home and at your own schedule.

Module Breakdown:

ThinkTree Hub provides full support throughout your online learning journey.

Average Completion Time:

Previous graduates have successfully completed these modules in as little as one week, with an average completion time of 2-4 weeks. This flexible format caters to your individual learning pace. You have up to one year to access the modules. 

Demonstration of Skills: Case Studies

In addition to the online modules, you’ll gain practical experience by completing case studies. This involves providing massage treatments to a range of clients, followed by a written report detailing the treatment plan and rationale. A follow-up treatment with another report allows you to demonstrate your ability to adapt your approach based on client feedback.

I provide a framework to guide you through these case studies, ensuring a smooth and efficient learning process. The purpose is to empower you to plan personalised treatments and continuously refine your skills through practical application and reflection.

Day 1 - Your Life Changing Experience Begins
The morning session of Day 1 of the Raynor Massage Certificate course covers the following areas:

  • The history of the practice of different massage techniques
  • The various contraindications of massage including when it’s safe to perform a massage treatment and when it shouldn’t be done
  • The process of taking a case history of clients
  • How to follow proper hygiene practices when massaging
  • How to drape your client in a professional manner, making them feel warm, comfortable and safe
  • The personal and professional qualities that a good massage therapist should possess
  • Professional ethics of massage therapists and the INTA Professional Code of Conduct.

Dave Taylor will then do a demonstration of various massage techniques on a volunteer student from the class. This demo will concentrate on the back, hands and arms.

During the afternoon session the students get paired up and start practicing massage on each other. Dave is always close-by supervising everyone. Each student will spend half the afternoon session giving a massage and the other half, receiving massage.

Day 2 - Ready for More Learning Experiences
During the morning session we will discuss:

  • The importance of breath and Raynor Massage
  • Group Breathing Exercise
  • Discuss the qualities of a good massage therapist
  • How long should a Raynor Massage last?
  • The therapeutic effects of massage

Dave will demonstrate further massage techniques, going over what was shown on Day One with the addition of the shoulders, back of the legs & sacrum

A good student will learn a lot from receiving a massage as well as from giving one, which is why so much emphasis is placed on all students receiving massages in class as well as providing them. You will experience how working at different depths feels and the powerful feeling that happens when tension is released that your clients will have.

As you progress the previous day’s work will be revised and refined. Your teacher will discuss the how toxins are released in the body. The term “the healing crisis” will be covered and what it means in natural forms of therapy and how it applies to the practice of Raynor Massage.

Day 3 - Beginning to Envision Your New Career
The morning session will start with a group workshop demonstrating massaging the neck, head and face. There will then be another massage demonstration on one of the students showing everything from the previous days and including the front of the legs, neck head and face. After lunch the students will once again pair up and swap massage trying out all the techniques taught so far.
Day 4 - Almost There, Don't Want it to End
During the morning session we will discuss:

  • How to avoid picking up negative energy
  • Examining the “tools of the trade” including the various types of oils used in the practice of massage and the features that a good massage table should have
  • The digestive system & abdominal massage

The morning workshop will be a demonstration of gentle stomach massage. It is very common for people to have emotional tension built up in their bellies. Think about the many times you’ve heard someone say “I got knots in my stomach from that” or “I felt like I’d been kicked in the gut”.

Certain abdominal conditions, such as ulcers, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, menstrual problems, and even Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be helped with Raynor Massage Techniques. The release of emotional tension that had been held in the abdominal area, along with proper breathing practices can make a huge difference in the health and wellbeing of your clients.

There will then be a longer demonstration putting everything we have learnt previously to show a full body massage.

After lunch the students will then get to massage the course tutor, Dave Taylor and receive some individual feedback.

Day 5 - Wow! You're Now Ready for an Awesome New Career
This day will be dedicated to the students doing timed full body massage swaps under assessment.

At the end of the day if you have shown that you fully understood the concepts, have successfully demonstrated the techniques and have satisfied all the professional conduct requirements of the Brandon Raynor School of Massage and Natural Therapies, then you will be awarded your Raynor Massage Certificate.

Completion of the course – Earning your Certificate will allow you to begin practicing massage professionally in most areas of the world including:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Great Britain
  • Most of Europe
  • Most of Africa and Asia
  • New Zealand
  • Parts of the United States.

The majority of students who have earned their Raynor Massage Certificate decide to continue on and enrol in the Raynor Massage Diploma Course to further develop their massage skills. This also allows them to provide additional treatments like aromatherapy on their clients. Some decide to take this course immediately after earning their Certificate, as the Diploma Course will often be scheduled for the following week. Others decide to gain some practical experience first and return at a later date to take the Raynor Massage Diploma Course.

Students reviews

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Raul DhananiRaul Dhanani
02:00 21 Jul 24
I completed Dave Taylor’s certificate course in June 2024, and what I can say with confidence is that he really creates a very strong foundation for anyone who is new to offering massage to base a practice off of. He covers everything one needs to know to set themselves up as a massage therapist in a very short timespan. This includes professionalism, business of massage, good technique, and even tips on how to make this practice sustainable for the therapist (as bodywork can be quite demanding if done inappropriately). There is lots of hands on experience, so by the end of the course I was able to perform a 1 hour full body massage with just enough confidence. I definitely recommend his training!
11:17 06 Jul 24
I recently completed the five-day certificate course with Dave at the picturesque Putney location, and it exceeded my expectations. The session was highly informative, offering a wealth of valuable knowledge and practical skills. Additionally, I had the privilege of receiving a full Raynor Massage from Dave, as well as the opportunity to practice on an external individual, who provided excellent feedback. I am eager to further enhance my expertise and skills in Raynor massage by attending the Diploma session.
17:27 24 Jun 24
Dave's classes exceeded expectations, offering an engaging and information-rich experience in a short time. He effectively covered both the business aspects and the Raynor massage technique, ensuring a well-rounded education. His dynamic teaching style kept the sessions lively and highly informative.
Yan ThompsonYan Thompson
15:09 23 Apr 24
I joined the Certificate course with very little expectations. Half way through the course I decided to book myself onto the Diploma Course which started immediately after the certificate course. Dave Taylor is a fantastic coach/instructor. He is professional, knowledgeable, and skillful. He is also passionate about what he does. I have finished the courses feeling inspired and empowered to offer an exceptional standard of massage and very well equipped to start my own business. In my opinion, if you are interested in deep tissue massage, this is the only course you will need.
Cameron HillCameron Hill
10:04 13 Apr 24
This is the only training I could and would recommend for anyone looking to get into the field. You will walk away with *everything* you need to succeed - both from the professional, “practical”, financial perspective and from the technical perspective of confidently being able to give a great massage.Everyone is different, but I personally feel a million bucks walking away from the course, knowing that I now have a tangible, real, practical, undeniable ability to really help someone and change their life in subtle and also obvious, profound ways - by delivering a massage / bodywork session that works with the true nature of body.Everything you need and nothing you don’t. Straight to the heart of things. Practical and hands on, without skimping on any theory that is genuinely useful and necessary. Do the diploma if you can, but if all you can do is the certificate, you’ll still walk away with enough to make this your way of life (and then you can come back and top up later with the money you earn from it, as one woman joining us on the diploma course did).Dave himself is extremely friendly, professional, kind, and accomodating, and absolutely the perfect teacher of this stuff. Inspiring.Don’t worry about the shorter timeframe - it’s long enough, for sure. By the end of the course I was itching to get going, confident I had enough to help people with and charge good money for. Dave is experienced with this stuff and pre-emptively addresses all your concerns and self-doubts that you have about getting into the field. In the end, it’s straightforward and simple. Raynor is a great methodology / modality, evidenced by ITEC qualified individuals being present on the course saying they didn’t feel ready after the other stuff - and even a novice practictioner of this stuff will have an advantage over most others (and be able to provide a better quality service, to help people more).Thanks Dave, thanks a million.
Lisa KnapmanLisa Knapman
13:27 21 Mar 24
Proper enlightening experience as if I wasn’t sold before, I am 100% now!!Dave has the most amazing way of teaching this massage, a balanced attitude with a relaxed, friendly manner with jokes and firmness to get you to the highest level of thinking and applying yourself.Dave has clear standards of which he expects the course to go and is not afraid to put you straight if his standards aren’t meet and I have the most upmost respect for that.The business and self worth Dave teaches you is second to none. Again teaching you to do everything at your highest level you can, truly grateful for that and him sharing his hard earned knowledge with the business side too, setting everything high and professional with the look of your business and knowing your self worth🙏What made me choose Dave’s course? Cut a long story short I thought I needed a shoulder replacement until I went to a lady called Tina who did Dave’s course a few years ago , I have tried all sorts of stuff before and nothing really worked until Raynor.I started researching and Dave was running a course in Devon in March booked after speaking with Dave and it’s was one of the best decisions of my life!Tension stored in your body for years hurts deeper than we understand, to have it released with Dave’s teachings is powerful and if you really want to help people do this course, it really works.The one and only Daisy his dog is a bundle of love and helped me not miss my dog so badly , thank you Daisy 💕The place is set in the middle of nowhere, peaceful, beautiful view with hot tub and swimming which was chilly but fun.Oliver thank you for the amazing veggie food ( I can handle a week without, with your delicious meals)Juliette for the fun morning yoga and emotional support 😊I’m a farmers daughter, private carer and love to help people, by doing Dave’s course I feel I can now do this at the highest level with his massage training to release tension, trauma and pain stored away in the body. In a safe professional place set to the high standards as well as knowing my self worth.Meet some amazing people and highly recommend this experience you won’t regret it.Thank you Dave this course changed the way I look at life 🙏
Inma Ferre TorroInma Ferre Torro
10:16 21 Mar 24
I highly recommend this Deep Tissue Massage Course. I was completely impressed with Dave's professionalism, teaching and amazing skills as a Massage Therapist. I had an amazing experience!. I am a Therapeutic Counsellor and Dave taught me how to release tension, stress, trauma and pain stored in the body by massaging it in a holistic powerful effective way. I loved Dave's ability to teach and work with students - worth all the money invested. The whole experience is amazing! An excellent perfect place too for all the learning and sharing!

MeetDave Taylor

I want you to have a successful career as a massage therapist and I’m going to share with you exactly how I built my own business that can easily turn over £800 a week with just 15 hours of massage!

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Expand Your Massage Therapy Career Opportunities

You should complete my Level 3 Course if you want to open a massage therapy practice in London or if you want to work for an employer who requires you to have a Level 3 Diploma in massage therapy.

In other instances, completing my Diploma Massage Course will provide you with all the necessary skills and certification to have a successful massage therapy career. Browse my available courses and join hundreds of Dave Taylor graduates who run their own successful massage therapy businesses!

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