Sports Massage Courses
Looking For An Intensive Sports Massage Training Course In London or Dublin?
- Entry Requirements
- Course Content
- Assessment
- Raynor vs Sports Massage
- Schedule and Locations
- Graduate Opportunities
Course Prerequisites
This course is available to those who over the age of 16. You do not need any previous experience or qualifications. You do need to be physically fit enough to give and receive deep tissue, sports style massage in mixed gender class.
What Will I Learn?
The course will cover the following topics through seminal teachings, practicals, and class demonstrations:
- The History of the Practice of Different Massage Techniques
- The Process of Taking a Case History of Clients
- The Various Contradictions of Massage: When it’s Safe to Perform Massage
- Following Proper Hygiene Practices
- How to Drape Your Client: Professionalism and Comfort
- The Personal and Professional Qualities of a Massage Therapist
- Professional Ethics of Massage Therapists and the INTA Professional Code of Conduct
How Will I Be Assessed?
You will be assessed throughout the training by Dave Taylor or by his teaching assistants if the class size permits additional support.
The theory part of the training is delivered during class discussions and assessed throughout with Question and Answer sessions.
The practical assessments happen throughout the massage course and are done visually by the course instructors.
On the last day of each course you will be required to give a full massage demonstrating the techniques you have learnt. Graduates of the course have access to online training videos which can be used to assist your practise after the course has been completed.
What is The Difference Between Raynor and Conventional Sports Massages?
When comparing the difference between training with myself or a dedicated Sports Massage course I’d suggest that first of all you ask yourself this question.
“What is Sports Massage?”
I also suggest you give serious thought about what clients really want when they ask for a Sports Massage.
I’m guessing many of you are thinking that Sports Massage is a Deep Tissue or Therapeutic Massage and if you are I’d completely agree with you.
In my own clinic maybe 3 out of 10 clients who call for an appointment ask for Sports Massage. I actually ran an experiment over several weeks and when a potential client asked me for a Sports Massage I asked them this question.
“What particular sport are you doing right now that you requite assistance with?
In most cases the response was.
“Oh, my back hurts and I’m looking for a deep tissue massage”
“I’m really stressed at the moment and was looking for a proper therapeutic massage”
“I’m going to be running a marathon and I want to include massage as part of my training programme”
“I have a sports injury, can you help with that?”
In all of the above cases what the client needs is a therapeutic, deep tissue massage and that is exactly what I can provide using Raynor Massage.
Raynor Massage actually covers a lot more than most traditional Sports Massage Courses. We don’t just restrict the training to Sports Injuries but look at the person as a whole. In particular we make the connection between how a client feels emotionally and how that can affect the body physically.
Regardless of whether you are trained in Raynor Massage or Sports Massage it’s important to remember that the massage therapist should never, under any circumstance be offering clients a medical diagnosis. This should always be left to someone medically trained like a doctor.
With Raynor Massage, we always bring any diagnosis back to where the client is holding their tension. For example, a client might come suffering from ‘tennis elbow’. You will be taught how to find and get rid of the tension that is attributed to the ‘tennis elbow’. Once the client has less tension then you generally find the condition improves dramatically.
Where Are We Based?
Both the 5 day Certificate and Diploma courses are held in Putney, London and also Dublin, Ireland.
There is parking available at both venues.
Easily accessible using train, bus or underground.
We can provide a list of affordable accommodation options. Airbnb is a great option for both Dublin and London.
The class runs from 0900 till 1700 Monday to Friday.
We also offer a residential course in a retreat setting in a tranquil setting in North Devon. This is restricted to just 8 students and includes both the Certificate and Diploma Massage courses spread over 8 intensive days.
Where Can The Course Take Me?
Graduates will receive either a Certificate or Diploma, which is recognised by the leading insurance providers allowing you to get instantly covered with Professional Indemnity Insurance. Once you have your insurance in place you can start massaging professionally.
You will be able to treat many clients who present sports injuries, back pain, sore neck and stiff joints with the overall aim of finding tension in the body and getting rid of it.
You will be qualified to diagnose tension in clients during a consultation using observational, physical and verbal assessments. You can then give a tailor made treatment plan to suit the needs of each client.
Set-up your own clinic either working from home, mobile to clients homes or workplace or rent a therapy room in a gym, sports centre, spa, Hotel or similar.
Become a member of professional organisation IICT (International Institute of Complimentary Therapies) which has been created to regulate therapies.
Train further with us to become an Advanced Raynor Massage Therapist.
The Alternative Sports Massage Course
Our 5 Day Certificate Course is perfect for anyone looking for a fast-track alternative to a traditional sports massage training course. Most Western sports massage courses insist that you learn lots of individual techniques that you can use throughout the massage. These techniques have been given names that you need to memorise in order for you to become qualified, some of which include:
- Soft Tissue Release (STR)
- Neuromuscular Techniques (NMT)
- Joint Mobilisation
- Trigger Pointing
- Tapotement
- Orthopaedic Testing
- Effleurage
We at Dave Taylor Training don’t feel that this is the best approach. This is because students end up having to fill their brain learning a new ‘language’ that they will never use again! To put this into perspective, a regular client will have never heard of ‘Tapotement’. All that matters to them is getting rid of their tension and feeling better physically.
Who Can Benefit from This Type of Treatment?
In the UK, it’s common for clients who seek a therapeutic, deep tissue massage to use the term ‘sports massage’. In fact, most clients who call my clinic asking for one don’t have a specific sports-related injury at all. It can be issues from anything such as:
- AC Joint Separation
- Bad Back
- Calf Muscle Strain
- Collateral Knee Ligament Sprain
- Cruciate Ligament Strain
- Deltoid Muscle Strain
- Dislocated Shoulder Pain
- Golfers Elbow
- Hamstring Strain
- Lateral Ankle Sprain
- Medical Ankle Sprain
- Patello Femoral Syndrome (Runner’s Knee)
- Quadricep Strain
- Rotary Cuff Strain
- Shin Splints (MTSS)
- Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
- Stress Fractures
- Tennis Elbow
- Tense Shoulders
- Whiplash
By learning the Raynor Massage you will be able to treat people with all of these conditions and is a great solution for those who have suffered from these kind of injuries in the past and are after a deep tissue massage.
During the training course you will be taught how to give clients a full assessment to find out where they are holding their tension, including sports injury related tension. You will then be shown how to trace that tension back to where it is being held tight. This can often be in the extremities of the body, namely the feet, hands and head.
So for example, it may well be that a client is experiencing tight hamstrings. In order to fully release this tension you need to work out where it is being held. It will likely be tracked down the leg through the calf muscles, into the ankle and residing in the feet. Or it could be held above the hamstring in the hips. Using a variety of targeted, deep massage techniques, you will then learn how to get rid of that tension releasing it from its roots. So this could mean loosening the toes first, working through foot into the ankle and then following lines up to the hamstring.
In some cases it may not just be physical tension that is causing problems. Unprocessed emotional tension, connected with stress or anxiety for example can also cause the body to be held tight. In this case we will also teach you how to assist clients to release emotionally as well as physically. This means that we really can work on a much deeper release than traditional Western Sports Massage usually achieves.
This method can also treat sports related conditions and is especially suitable for those who are training in the gym.
How We Help Personal Trainers Offer Their Clients Sports Massages
This intensive method of teaching massage is popular with Personal Trainers who want to offer their clients the complete package. We understand that you are already experienced with hands-on body work and that you probably don’t have the time to spend months in a classroom situation on a lengthy training course. Very often, personal trainers already have some massage experience but lack the recognised qualification that will enable you to treat your client’s sports massage needs. If you already have some hands-on bodywork experience then the Raynor Massage Certificate Course can give you the training and qualification necessary to start working in just 5 Days.
A professional massage course that will fast-track you towards being a fully qualified Massage Therapist in just 5 or 10 Days.
Fully Qualified Massage Therapist
On Completion of the course you will:
- Treat most clients seeking Sports Massage
- Treat sports related tension effectively
- Receive a Certificate or Diploma in Raynor Massage
- Be able to run your own business
- Qualify for full Professional Indemnity Insurance
Professional boxer Ricky Boylan
received Raynor Massage from student.
Hear what Graduates have to say about the Massage Training Course
Request your free information pack - a guide to all my courses
Claim your free booklet that gives you detailed information about all of the my training courses. It’s a step by step guide on getting your new career up and running.
Are you ready to start your own business as a massage therapist?
If you have decided that you want to have control of your working hours with a job you can be truly proud of, then you can select your massaging course here.
Learn a style of massage that really makes a difference
Raynor Massage is a powerful therapy that satisfies clients' growing demand for an effective massage that truly makes a difference.
Upcoming Massage Therapy Courses
Certificate Massage Course – London – February
24 February 2025 - 28 February 2025
Only 1 places left! -
Diploma Massage Course – London – February / April
24 February 2025 - 28 February 2025
14 April 2025 - 18 April 2025
3 places left -
Level 3 – Diploma Massage Course – London – February / April
24 February 2025 - 28 February 2025
14 April 2025 - 18 April 2025
4 places left -
Diploma Massage Course – 7 Day Retreat – March – Devon
19 March 2025 - 25 March 2025
Students are encouraged to check-in from 1800 on Tuesday, March 18th
Only 1 places left! -
Level 3 – Diploma Massage Course – 7 Day Retreat – March – Devon
19 March 2025 - 25 March 2025
Students are encouraged to check-in from 1800 on Tuesday, March 18th
Only 1 places left! -
Certificate Massage Course – London – April
7 April 2025 - 11 April 2025
Only 1 places left! -
Diploma Massage Course – London – April
7 April 2025 - 11 April 2025
14 April 2025 - 18 April 2025
Only 2 places left! -
Level 3 – Diploma Massage Course – London – April
7 April 2025 - 11 April 2025
14 April 2025 - 18 April 2025
Only 2 places left! -
Certificate Massage Course – Dublin – May
26 May 2025 - 30 May 2025
8 places left -
Certificate Massage Course – London – June
23 June 2025 - 27 June 2025
16 places left -
Level 3 Diploma Massage Course – Hastings – July
28 July 2025 - 3 August 2025
5 places left -
Diploma Massage Course – Hastings – July
28 July 2025 - 3 August 2025
4 places left -
Diploma Massage Course – 7 Day Retreat – September – Devon
17 September 2025 - 23 September 2025
Students are encouraged to check-in from 1800 on Tuesday, September 16th
5 places left -
Level 3 – Diploma Massage Course – 7 Day Retreat – September – Devon
17 September 2025 - 23 September 2025
Students are encouraged to check-in from 1800 on Tuesday, September 16th
5 places left -
Level 3 – Diploma Massage Course – 7 Day Retreat – November – Devon
5 November 2025 - 11 November 2025
Students are encouraged to check-in from 1800 on Tuesday, November 4th
5 places left -
Diploma Massage Course – 7 Day Retreat – November – Devon
5 November 2025 - 11 November 2025
Students are encouraged to check-in from 1800 on Tuesday, November 4th
5 places left
Choosing The Most Effective Intensive Sports Massage Training
So how do you find an official sports massage training course here in the UK? I understand it can be very difficult trying to get the right answers as there are many different training organisations all offering to give you a certificate in Sports Massage. Some will call it a Level 3 Sports Massage Certificate or Level 4. Some will allow you to join certain professional organisations but not others. Most of these courses run for a very long time, often taking many months if not years to complete and costing a lot of money. The truth is, there is no such thing as one “official” recognised sports massage qualification in the UK. You don’t need to have a certificate that says “Sports Massage” to effectively treat injuries with massage. The most important aspect of being a successful massage therapist is how effective the treatment that you offer is and not the name of the treatment that is on your Certificate. I strongly believe that Raynor Massage works on a deeper level than regular sports massage and have no doubt that it achieves fantastic results. Fixing injuries, allowing athletes to train more effectively and recover quicker. It is not necessary to train for years to learn these skills.
You can either do the 10 days training over two weeks or do the 5 day Certificate course and then complete to Diploma level with a further 5 days training at a later date. This is the same treatment I use for clients in my own clinic. You can see exactly how I promote it on my own therapist website by clicking here – Sports Massage.
When working as a Sports Massage Therapist you will encounter people in all age groups and from all walks of life. They will come to you with a whole range of injuries that require various techniques and some that may not even be considered massage at all. You are there to try and ease your patient’s pain and help them to be fully functioning so they can resume their normal activities as soon as possible.
The particular type of work you will be doing will for the most part, depend on where you are working and the type of specialised skills you have. Additionally you will often find yourself treating not just the physical aspects of the injury, but the emotional effects the patient is suffering as a result of having been injured. When they come to you they will often be feeling stressed and their confidence and self-esteem will most likely be at a low point as well.
Massage Therapists are also involved in helping their patients avoid being injured, especially when they work with a sports club or a particular athlete. In these cases the goal is to pinpoint areas of weakness, places where an athlete is vulnerable to being injured and to give this information to the coach in charge of strength and conditioning so that he can make sure the appropriate measures are taken to minimise injuries in the future. In many cases massage prevention is far better than finding a cure.
Quick facts about Dave Taylor Training Courses
For any questions you might have - CALL 020 8286 9763
Raynor Massage
Raynor Massage can be used to treat different health problems such as frozen shoulder, lower back pain, abdominal problems or general stress and emotional imbalance.
Certificate Course
A 5-day introductory course results in being awarded the Certificate qualification in Raynor Massage and does not require background or experience in massage at all.
Diploma Course
A 5-day massage Diploma Course is designed for those, who want to become profesional massage therapists or therapists who want to improve their skills. It is required to complete the Certificate Course first.
Our locations
Currently we teach massage in London, Hastings, Devon and Dublin.
Approved by IICT
We are an approved training provider by the International Institute of Complementary Therapists.
“Fantastic course- Dave not only covered how to offer Raynor massage to an excellent standard but also all the worries you might have about being a massage therapist and the business side of the industry too. I feel confident in offering a great massage and supported after the course with Facebook group access.”
Sally Walker
Quick facts about Dave Taylor Training Courses
For any questions you might have – CALL 020 8286 9763
“I went on retreat with Dave to learn Raynor Massage in 9 days.
Dave was professional, charismatic and humourous. A man who is sharing his love for massage.
I enjoyed the training which was hands on from the first day. We all gained great confidence very quickly under Dave’s guidance. The technique is very effective! I can personally confirm that this training will leave you feeling empowered with a new life skill.
Highly recommend, Dave Taylor. Thank you”
“For someone who has never had any previous experience in massaging, I was very surprised at how much I had achieved after just a couple training sessions with Dave Taylors’s guidance, thanks to him I have now completed and received my Certificate and Diploma of Raynor Massage. The whole thing was very well and professionally organised by Dave Taylor and his assistant Lori, who were both wonderful and always eager to help. The atmosphere was always very lovely and energetic from everyone, we were all enjoying ourselves the entire time. The location was wonderful and very beautiful, we had the opportunity to wonder around and explore during our breaks. This was a very valuable and enjoyable life experience and I am very much looking forward to doing the advanced course in the future.”
“Dave has been a great teacher for several years now and a practitioner for close to 10 years. I have no hesitation in recommending his courses and in him representing Raynor massage in the UK. I have seen Dave grow and change over the years and all I hear is fantastic feedback about his courses.”
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